Child Support Lawyer: COVID Exemptions And Unemployment Benefits


Child support agreements are founded on plans. COVID-19, however, disrupted plans like no other event in recent history. If you need to renegotiate your child support agreement, you need legal help to make sure the job gets done correctly.

Here are some of the ways a child support lawyer can help you create a new plan that reflects your current situation.

COVID Exemptions

If you contract COVID-19 or you are directly exposed to the virus, you might not be able to work or attend to other responsibilities for weeks or months. Your child custody lawyer can help you file temporary COVID exemptions to prevent you from breaking any legal agreement you might have signed in the past.

  • Medical Stay: this type of exemption is designed for unexpected and severe medical situations. If granted, a medical stay can temporarily halt financial obligations like child custody agreements for a specific time period. For instance, if you contract COVID-19 and are unable to work normally, a medical stay can halt your child support payments and provide guidance about how missed payments should be handled in the future. This can mean adding a certain percentage to future child support payments until you cover any payments you missed during your medical stay.
  • Filing Paperwork: one of the biggest benefits of hiring a child custody lawyer is the assurance that your paperwork will be filed on time. With courts closed and case dockets backed up for months, it can be difficult to simply get your case in front of a judge. Child custody lawyers can manipulate the system to get you in front of a judge more quickly than you can likely do on your own.

Unemployment Benefits

If you've lost your job and are forced to file for unemployment benefits, your child custody agreement can become very tricky. A child custody agreement can make sure that you're able to keep enough of your unemployment benefits to survive.

  • Financial hardship: changes to your employment status can be considered a financial hardship. Your child custody lawyer can help you file the paperwork you need to temporarily modify your child custody agreement. This modification can reflect your loss of income and other changes to your financial solvency if you lose your job. If this change of employment permanently reduces your income, your child custody lawyer can file paperwork to make the changes permanent. Before you file for unemployment benefits, always consult with a child custody lawyer.


14 December 2020

Understanding the Divorce Process

After struggling long and hard throughout my marriage, I realized that it just wasn't working. My spouse truly drove me nuts, and it was really difficult to imagine going one more day being married to her. I knew that I had to do something and fast, so I decided to meet with a family and divorce attorney. I was nervous about filing for divorce, but I knew that it was the only way either one of us would be happy. This blog is all about understanding the divorce process, keeping your wits about you as you go through something painful, and coming to grips with a troubled marriage.